Breakfast Polenta with Dried Fruits, Nuts and Seeds-Polenta Porridge Recipe

Wondering what is Polenta? Even I had no idea of what is polenta before my trip abroad. Then I did a lot of research on what polenta is, how it is cooked, how it is served etc. Well, Polenta is a corn based dish popular in Italian Cuisine. Polenta is made from ground cornmeal and can be used in a wide variety of ways. Polenta is extremely versatile. It tastes great on its own or you can serve it as a side dish. It can be used as an accompaniment to savory dishes or can be made either savory or sweet. I cooked polenta to a porridge consistency, topped it with dried fruits, nuts and seeds (a blended mix for hulled pumpkin, sunflower, sesame seeds and linseed). It was absolutely delicious. You can add any dry fruits, fresh fruits or nuts of your choice. Today we will learn how to make breakfast polenta following this easy recipe.

Breakfast Polenta with Dried Fruits, Nuts

 Prep Time : 5 mins

Cook Time : 10 mins
Serves: 1
Recipe Category: Breakfast-Porridge
Recipe Cuisine: International

   Ingredients needed

   Quick-Cooking Polenta -1/2 cup
   Water -2 cups
   Honey or any sweetener of your choice
   Milk -1/4 cup (optional)

   Dates – 5 pitted and chopped
   Raisins -10
   Apricot -3 chopped

   Mixed Seeds – 2 tsp
   Almonds – 4 blanched and chopped


Bring water to boil, when it starts boiling, reduce the heat and slowly add the cornmeal coarse polenta stirring continuously to prevent lumps.

cook the polenta over low heat
Cook stirring until the mixture thickens and reaches a porridge consistency. Remove from heat and transfer it to a bowl. Add milk and mix it well.

Add honey, dry fruits and nut of your choice. You can add even fresh fruits.

Serve warm. It makes a filling breakfast and is a great option for anybody on a gluten-free diet.

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