We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It keeps us active and energetic throughout the morning. It is important that we should not skip our breakfast.The next time,when you run out of dosa batter or do not find time in the morning to prepare any other breakfast, you can resort to oats smoothie or milkshake recipes. How about preparing a quick Oats Banana Smoothie with walnuts for a quick breakfast. It is quite filling,delicious and also great for weight loss.
Oats Banana Smoothie
Prep Time : 5 mins
Cook Time : 5 mins
Recipe Category: Breakast-Oats Recipes
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author:Padhu Sankar
Recipe Category: Breakast-Oats Recipes
Recipe Cuisine: Indian
Author:Padhu Sankar
Ingredients needed
Oats – 2 tbsp
Milk – 3/4 cup
Yogurt – 1/4 cup (plain, low fat yogurt)
Banana – 1 (peel and cut into 3-4 pieces)
Honey – 2 tsp
Walnuts chopped – 1 tbsp
Cook oats in 1/2 cup of water and allow it to cool. It will take only 2-3 minutes. You can prepare this even the previous night and refrigerate, so that it will be much easier for you in the morning. Alternatively you can even powder slightly dry roasted oats and add it to your smoothie but I personally prefer cooking oats.
In a blender, combine cooked oats, yogurt, chopped banana, honey, little milk and blend it until smooth.
Then add the rest of the milk and blend again.
Add chopped walnuts and serve chilled. (I loved biting into bits of walnuts in this smoothie)
It’s very simple yet really satisfying. Enjoy preparing this and leave your feedback.
Refer more Oats Recipes
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creamy smoothie looks delicious..healthy too..
yummy yum milkshake.. healthy and delicious..
banana yumm yumm!! i have already died and gone to heaven after looking at this banana deliciousness Padhu can i have your email id?
Simply love this super filling smoothie.
Healthy and wholesome smoothie!
Healthy and creamy..
Ohh I tried a similar thing, but couldnt get it well.. Probab because I didnt cook Oats before adding it to the Smoothie.. Will try again..
yummy n yumm milkshake!
looks absolutely inviting and tempting.. very delicious recipe dear..
Healthy and makes a filling morning bf
Im gonna prepare dis nw !!
Good idea, but why the yoghurt. Normally yoghurt and milk together is not advised is'nt
Dear Reshmacb
Nothing like that.The yogurt and the milk should be cold.Yogurt should not be sour.You try it and you will love it for sure.
healthy and tasty milkshake:)
hi padhu, i tried this shake of urs, i did not add yogut but still its a keeper. thanks a ton for making my breakfast yummy, easy and quick.
Oho Paddu.. I am a bachelor & don't know how 2 cook. But now u made it easy.. I make delicious foods by learning from u r website…thanks alot…u r dishes r also as sweet as u..thanks again..
Hi, this recipe is awesome. I am lactose intolerant so I used almond milk instead of milk and ran out of walnuts so used pecan in its place. The smoothie was delicious!! Thanks for the recipe.
Hello Padhu,
Tried this recipe and it came out amazing. Thanks for the share. I have been using your website on a daily basis for the last 4 years and have learnt the abc of cooking from here .
Nice recepis,I hope I can make it in this morning